
Welcome to Glitter in the Kitchen!

Hi! My name is Nina and I'm a mom of 3 fabulous children ranging in ages from 6 to 11. I've been married to my hardworking hubby for 12 years, but we've been together for 21. He was the untouchable guy in school to a nerd like myself, but, in the end, he is mine...muahahahahaha.  Some days I look at him and I still get butterflies.  Enough mushy love stuff.  We have a ridiculously awkward and silly 1 year old basset hound named Lucy that endlessly entertains us. 

I have 3 loves in my life. My family of course being number 1.  My number 2 love is crafting with my daughter.  And my number 3 love...FOOD! I come from a great Italian family and I always remember coming together for meals. I love cooking for my family and friends.  All 3 of these loves of mine fill me with so much satisfaction and pride. 
So with all that said I'd like to start Glitter in the Kitchen so that I may share all of my crafting and cooking adventures with you!  I'll share recipes for dinners and snacks and anything totally yummy and directions and ideas for crafting the cutest items.

After all, everyone needs a little Glitter in the Kitchen!


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